Old New – Old Recipes

Here are some old recipes. I can’t guarantee that are good recipes or that they are maintain safe food handling. Then to go with your food is a cartoon about coffee.


Friday, July 13, 1917

Home Cookery

Veal and Ham Pie.

To make a moderate sized pie take half pound of neck of veal, a quarter of a pound of ham, two hard boiled eggs, a little parsley, mixed herbs and pastry. Remove the meat from the bones and put in a saucepan to stew, then add the meat to cook partly while the crust is made and the eggs are boiled. Take out the meat and fill the pie dish with alternate layers of veal, ham and egg cut into thick slices and sprinkled over with the herbs and seasoning. Then strain the gravy into the dish until it is about half full. Wet the edges, line with a strip of thin pastry, then cover. Make holes in the top, then decorate the pie and bake in a moderate oven for one hour.

Apple Sauce Cake.

Cream one cupful of sugar and one-half cupful of shortening. Dissolve one teaspoonful of soda in a little hot water and stir this in one cupful of sour apple sauce, letting it from over into the mixing bowl. Add nearly or quite two cupfuls of flour sifted with one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful of cloves and a little nutmeg. Mix thoroughly, then add one cupful of raisins. Bake in a loaf tin about forty-five minutes.

Prune Tartlets.

Line small tins with pastry; in each put a tablespoonful of prune pulp, prepared by rubbing cooked prunes with their juice through a sieve and adding two tablespoonfuls of fine bread crumbs to each cupful of fruit; cover with mixture of two tablespoonfuls of butter and sugar beaten to a cream with two eggs, two-thirds cupful of breadcrumbs, ten drops of almond extract and a teaspeenful of baking powder.